Ein Sprachassistent für den atomaren Notfall

Im Studiengang Data Science an der Hochschule für Technik FHNW werden von den Studenten und Studentinnen u.a. Challenges und Mini-Challenges bewältigt. Eine Mini-Challenge, die von Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel ausgeschrieben wurde, trägt den Titel „Ein Sprachassistent für Krisen und Katastrophen“. Pascal Berger hat die ca. vierzigjährige Julia konzipiert, die die Bewohner der Schweiz im Falle einer atomaren Katastrophe im Inland und im nahen Ausland dabei unterstützen soll, „sich zu beruhigen und entschlossen zu handeln“. Entsprechend gestaltet sich der Ablauf des Dialogs. Im ersten Teil soll sich Julia „kurz vorstellen“ und mit ruhiger Stimme darum bitten, „ruhig durchzuatmen“. Dabei sei es wichtig, dass in der Stimme eine gewisse Empathie zum Ausdruck kommt. Im zweiten Teil soll „der Voicebot versuchen, Verhaltensanweisungen an den Anwender weiterzugeben“. Julia spricht Schweizerdeutsch in einer Ausprägung, die z.B. auch Deutsche gut verstehen können. Für die Erstellung der Beispielsequenz nutzte der Student ttsfree.com. Unter „SELECT LANGUAGE AND REGIONS TO SPEECH“ wählte er „TTS Server 2“, unter „Language:“ die Nummer „62. German (Switzerland) – CH“ und dann „Leni“ als weibliche Stimme. „Voice Pitch“ und „Adjust Voice Speed“ wurden auf den Standardwerten „-50%“ und „-100%“ belassen. Die grundsätzlich nutzbaren SSML-Befehle wirkten sich kaum aus. Das Ergebnis kann hier angehört werden.

Abb.: Eine Skulptur in Hiroshima

SPACE THEA at Stanford University

The paper „The SPACE THEA Project“ by Martin Spathelf and Oliver Bendel was accepted at the AAAI 2022 Spring Symposia (Stanford University). The two authors will present it at the end of March 2022 at the symposium „How Fair is Fair? Achieving Wellbeing AI“. From the abstract: „In some situations, no professional human contact can be available. Accordingly, one remains alone with one’s problems and fears. A manned Mars flight is certainly such a situation. A voice assistant that shows empathy and assists the astronauts could be a solution. In the SPACE THEA project, a prototype with such capabilities was developed using Google Assistant and Dialogflow Essentials. The voice assistant has a personality based on characteristics such as functional intelligence, sincerity, creativity, and emotional intelligence. It proves itself in seven different scenarios designed to represent the daily lives of astronauts, addressing operational crises and human problems. The paper describes the seven scenarios in detail, and lists technical and conceptual foundations of the voice assistant. Finally, the most important results are stated and the chapters are summarized.“ More information about the AAAI 2022 Spring Symposia is available here.

Fig.: At Stanford University

Aufbau und Betrieb eines KI-basierten Voicebots

„Das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus schreibt den Aufbau und Betrieb eines KI-Voicebots, der zu unterschiedlichen Förderangeboten in den Bereichen Innovation, Investition und Digitalisierung informiert, mit einem Betrieb für 24 Monate und einer Verlängerungsoption für 12 Monate aus.“ (Website Ministerium) Mit diesen Worten beginnt eine Meldung auf der Website des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus in Baden-Württemberg. Weiter heißt es: „Durch die Implementierung eines KI-Voicebots soll ein Informationspunkt geschaffen werden, welcher über die wichtigsten Förderangebote, Auszeichnungen und Wettbewerbe im Bereich Innovation, Investition und Digitalisierung informiert. Die Zielsetzung umfasst konkret einen Kommunikationskanal, um den Informationszugang insbesondere für KMU zu verbessern. Datenbasis des KI-Voicebots sind aktuelle Förderprogramme, Auszeichnungen und Wettbewerbe des Landes Baden-Württemberg, die von dem Portal www.wirtschaft-digital-bw.de ausgelesen werden sollen. Ergänzend dazu soll eine ‚Erstberatung‘ zu Detailfragen zu einzelnen Förderprogrammen möglich sein.“ (Website Ministerium) Die Bewerbungsfrist für Entwickler von Sprachassistenten endet am Freitag, den 14. Januar 2022, um 13.00 Uhr. Weitere Informationen über wm.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/ausschreibungen/.

Abb.: Ein bekannter Sprachassistent

SPACE THEA Wants to Fly to Mars

SPACE THEA was developd by Martin Spathelf at the School of Business FHNW from April to August 2021. The client and supervisor was Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel. The voice assistant is supposed to show empathy and emotions towards astronauts on a Mars flight. Technically, it is based on Google Assistant and Dialogflow. The programmer chose a female voice with Canadian English. SPACE THEA’s personality includes functional and emotional intelligence, honesty, and creativity. She follows a moral principle: to maximize the benefit of the passengers of the spacecraft. The prototype was implemented for the following scenarios: conduct general conversations; help the user find a light switch; assist the astronaut when a thruster fails; greet and cheer up in the morning; fend off an insult for no reason; stand by a lonely astronaut; learn about the voice assistant. A video on the latter scenario is available here. Oliver Bendel has been researching conversational agents for 20 years. With his teams, he has developed 20 concepts and artifacts of machine ethics and social robotics since 2012.

Fig.: SPACE THEA wants to fly to Mars

Beitrag zu Sprachassistenten im Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon

„Sprachassistenten sind natürlichsprachliche Dialogsysteme, die Anfragen der Benutzer beantworten und Aufgaben für sie erledigen, in privaten und wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Sie sind auf dem Smartphone ebenso zu finden wie im Smart Speaker, in Robotern ebenso wie in Fahrzeugen. Sie verstehen mit Hilfe von Natural Language Processing (NLP) gesprochene Sprache und wenden sie selbst an, unter Gebrauch eines Text-to-Speech-Systems. Auf die Stimme der Maschine (oder des Benutzers) zielt ‚Voicebot‘ (engl. ‚voicebot‘) oder ‚Voice Assistant‘ (engl. ‚voice assistant‘). ‚Virtueller Assistent‘ oder ‚Digitaler Assistent‘ wird als Überbegriff oder Synonym verwendet. Verwandtschaft besteht zu Chatbots, die oft textuell, manchmal auch auditiv umgesetzt sind und eine längere Tradition haben. Sie und Voicebots sind wiederum wie andere natürlichsprachliche Dialogsysteme Conversational Agents bzw. Conversational User Interfaces.“ Mit diesen Worten beginnt ein neuer Beitrag im Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon von Oliver Bendel. Er ersetzt seine Definition „Virtueller Assistent“ aus dem Jahre 2018 – diese bleibt aber in gekürzter Form erhalten. Am Ende wird auf Fragen der Ethik eingegangen. Der ganze Beitrag – erschienen ist er im Juli 2021 – kann über wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/sprachassistent-123447 aufgerufen werden.

Abb.: Google Assistant

One Giant Journey for Mankind

„That’s one small flight for Ingenuity – one giant journey for mankind.“ This can be said after the successful experiment on 19 April 2021 with the tiny helicopter on Mars. Ingenuity flew vertically into the air, took a selfie with its shadow, and landed safely back on the ground. The red planet is associated with many expectations and aspirations. At the moment, the surface is being explored in an unprecedented way. In a few years, humans are expected to travel to Mars. In doing so, they will also need advice and support. Because the personnel on Earth are far away, a voice assistant is a possible solution. SPACE THEA is a voicebot that shows empathy (but doesn’t have it, of course). Like GOODBOT and BESTBOT, she recognizes user problems – but unlike those chatbots, she has a voice. SPACE THEA will be developed until August 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel at the School of Business FHNW. The project aims to cover several scenarios on the flight to Mars. However, a voicebot could also be useful on the planet itself, for example to control a tiny helicopter.

Fig.: The shadow of Ingenuity (photo: screenshot from NASA livestream)

Sprechende Maschinen

„Im Jahr 1791 präsentierte der österreichisch-ungarische Tüftler Wolfgang von Kempelen eine Sprechmaschine, die alle menschlichen Sprachlaute artikulieren sollte. Mit Hilfe eines Blasebalgs, der als Lunge fungierte, einer Dudelsackpfeife (sie sollte die Stimmbänder ersetzen) sowie des trichterförmigen Endstücks einer Oboe als Resonator baute er die menschlichen Artikulationsorgane in einer kastenförmigen Apparatur nach.“ (Wiener Zeitung, 5. März 2021) Mit diesen Worten beginnt der Artikel „Sprechende Maschinen“ von Adrian Lobe. Der Journalist hat für den Beitrag u.a. Oliver Bendel interviewt, der zu Chatbots und Sprachassistenten forscht und mehrere Vorschläge für die Erweiterung der Markup Language unterbreitet hat, etwa bei der Konferenz „Love and Sex with Robots“ am Goldsmiths in London. Der Artikel ist am 5. März 2021 in der Wiener Zeitung erschienen und kann über www.wienerzeitung.at/nachrichten/reflexionen/vermessungen/2095145-Sprechende-Maschinen.html abgerufen werden. Oliver Bendel hat 2018 einen Artikel mit dem gleichen Titel veröffentlicht.

Abb.: Eine laute Maschine

Alexa Knows What You Want

Amazon’s Alexa can perform actions on her own based on previous instructions from the user without asking beforehand. Until now, the voicebot always asked before it did anything. Now it has hunches, which is what Amazon calls the function. On its website, the company writes: „Managing your home’s energy usage is easier than ever, with the Alexa energy dashboard. It works with a variety of smart lights, plugs, switches, water heaters, thermostats, TVs and Echo devices. Once you connect your devices to Alexa, you can start tracking the energy they use, right in the Alexa app. Plus, try an exciting new Hunches feature that can help you save energy without even thinking about it. Now, if Alexa has a hunch that you forgot to turn off a light and no one is home or everyone went to bed, Alexa can automatically turn it off for you. It’s a smart and convenient way to help your home be kinder to the world around it. Every device, every home, and every day counts. Let’s make a difference, together. Amazon is committed to building a sustainable business for our customers and the planet.“ (Website Amazon) It will be interesting to see how often Alexa is right with her hunches and how often she is wrong.

Fig.: Alexa in the cloud

International Workshop on Trustworthy Conversational Agents

In the fall of 2021, a five-day workshop on trustworthy conversational agents will be held at Schloss Dagstuhl. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel is among the invited participants. According to the website, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics pursues its mission of furthering world class research in computer science by facilitating communication and interaction between researchers. Oliver Bendel and his teams have developed several chatbots like GOODBOT, LIEBOT and BESTBOT in the context of machine ethics since 2013, which were presented at conferences at Stanford University and Jagiellonian University and received international attention. Since the beginning of 2020, he has been preparing to develop several voice assistants that can show empathy and emotion. „Schloss Dagstuhl was founded in 1990 and quickly became established as one of the world’s premier meeting centers for informatics research. Since the very first days of Schloss Dagstuhl, the seminar and workshop meeting program has always been the focus of its programmatic work. In recent years, Schloss Dagstuhl has expanded its operation and also has significant efforts underway in bibliographic services … and in open access publishing.“ (Website Schloss Dagstuhl)

Fig.: Is this voicebot trustworthy?

An Empathic Voicebot

Social robots are robots that come close to animals and humans, interact and communicate with them. They reproduce characteristics of animals and humans in their behavior and appearance. They can be implemented both as hardware robots and as software robots. The SPACE THEA project should have already started in March 2020. Because of COVID-19 it had to be postponed. Now Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel (School of Business FHNW) starts with the preparatory work. In winter 2020/2021 and spring 2021 the programming of the voicebot is then carried out. SPACE THEA is designed to accompany astronauts to Mars and to show them empathy and emotions. In the best case, she should also be able to provide psychological counseling, for example, based on cases from the literature. The project will use findings from social robotics, but also from machine ethics. The results will be available by summer 2021.

Fig.: An empathic voicebot

Listen to SPACE THEA

Space travel includes travel and transport to, through and from space for civil or military purposes. The take-off on earth is usually done with a launch vehicle. The spaceship, like the lander, is manned or unmanned. The target can be the orbit of a celestial body, a satellite, planet or comet. Man has been to the moon several times, now man wants to go to Mars. The astronaut will not greet the robots that are already there as if he or she had been lonely for months. For on the spaceship he or she had been in the best of company. SPACE THEA spoke to him or her every day. When she noticed that he or she had problems, she changed her tone of voice, the voice became softer and happier, and what she said gave the astronaut hope again. How SPACE THEA really sounds and what she should say is the subject of a research project that will start in spring 2020 at the School of Business FHNW. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, students will design a voicebot that shows empathy towards an astronaut. The scenario is a proposal that can also be rejected. Maybe in these times it is more important to have a virtual assistant for crises and catastrophes in case one is in isolation or quarantine. However, the project in the fields of social robotics and machine ethics is entitled THE EMPATHIC ASSISTANT IN SPACE (SPACE THEA). First results will be available by the end of 2021.

Fig.: In space

An AI Assistant with Empathy

Living, working, and sleeping in small spaces next to the same people for months or years would be stressful for even the fittest and toughest astronauts. Neel V. Patel underlines this fact in a current article for MIT Technology Review. If they are near Earth, they can talk to psychologists. But if they are far away, it will be difficult. Moreover, in the future there could be astronauts in space whose clients cannot afford human psychological support. „An AI assistant that’s able to intuit human emotion and respond with empathy could be exactly what’s needed, particularly on future missions to Mars and beyond. The idea is that it could anticipate the needs of the crew and intervene if their mental health seems at risk.“ (MIT Technology Review, 14 January 2020) NASA wants to develop such an assistant together with the Australian tech firm Akin. They could build on research by Oliver Bendel. Together with his teams, he has developed the GOODBOT in 2013 and the BESTBOT in 2018. Both can detect users’ problems and react adequately to these problems. The more recent chatbot even has face recognition in combination with emotion recognition. If it detects discrepancies with what the user has said or written, it will make this a subject of discussion. The BESTBOT on Mars – it would like that.

Fig.: Barbie on the moon