The Third and Last Salon Suisse of Biennale 2021

Within the third and last Salon Suisse in November 2021, curated by Evelyn Steiner, bodily alterations and optimization measures „like body hacking or anti-ageing procedures“ were „assessed and adapted to architectural discourse“. Consistent with its broad approach, it dealt „with a multitude of disciplines and themes, including psychoanalysis, medical anthropology, neurosciences, literature, interior design, transhumanism, fluid spaces, habitation and migration, borderscapes, mood-sensitive houses, and many more“ (Booklet Salon Suisse). At the event on November 18 („Jethro Knights, Armor Guyver, and Mutant X: How transhumanists challenge architecture“), Oliver Bendel gave a presentation on the topic „Human and animal enhancement in the context of architecture“, followed by a discussion with Mike Schaffner (a Swiss cyborg) and Georg Vrachliotis (an architect from TU Delft). On November 19 the event’s title was „Anti-ageing architecture: Can buildings help you to live forever?“. After the film documentary „Children who won’t die“ the curator discussed with Irene Sunwoo. „Beyond the binary: Fluid Spaces for a fluid Generation“ on November 20 was the title of a discussion with Jos Boys and Joel Sanders, framed by a performance by Nathalie Rebholz.

Fig.: At the entrance of Palazzo Trevisan (Photo: Samuele Cherubini, © Pro Helvetia)

Mensch. Maschine. Kommunikation

Im November 2021 ist „Mensch. Maschine. Kommunikation“ (Hrsg. Sarah Brommer und Christa Dürscheid) im Narr-Verlag erschienen. Die beiden Herausgeberinnen führen in „Mensch-Mensch- und Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation“ in die Thematik ein. Im Teil „Mensch-Mensch-Kommunikation via Maschine“ stammen die Beiträge von Linda Bosshart („WhatsApp, iMessage und E-Mail“), Roberto Tanchis und Leonie Walder („Animojis“), Mia Jenni („Die weinende, virtuelle Influencerin“) und Florina Zülli („‚Neuer Partner‘ in den Warenkorb hinzufügen?“). Der Teil „Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation I: Kommunikation mit Robotern“ wird bestritten von Ilona Straub („Die Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion“), Jana Seebass („Roboter als Partnerersatz“), Rahel Staubli („Vertrauen in Lio und Co.“) und Andrea Knoepfli („Mit welchen Strategien erzeugen Pflegeroboter Vertrauen?“). Der Teil „Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation II: Kommunikation mit Assistenzsystemen“ gehört Julia Degelo („Der wütende Mann, die höfliche Frau – und die Frage nach dem Dazwischen“) sowie Ann Fuchs und Zora Naef („Smart Homes im öffentlichen Diskurs“). Abgeschlossen wird das Buch (Teil „Exkurs: Mensch. Maschine. Menschmaschine“) von Oliver Bendel mit seinem Beitrag „Chips, Devices, and Machines within Humans“. Er geht auf „Bodyhacking as Movement, Enhancement, and Adaptation“ ein. Die Publikation kann hier kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.

Abb.: Installation in der Hauptausstellung der Biennale 2021

Bodyhacking as Movement, Enhancement, and Adaptation

In November 2021, the book „Mensch. Maschine. Kommunikation.“ will be published. It is edited by Sarah Brommer and Christa Dürscheid. One chapter (by Oliver Bendel) is in English and is entitled „Chips, Devices, and Machines within Humans: Bodyhacking as Movement, Enhancement, and Adaptation“. From the abstract: „This contribution about bodyhacking as movement, enhancement, and adaptation has three purposes. First, it aims to clarify terms in this field or to draw attention to the fact that they are used differently. Second, it wants to shed light on and explore a phenomenon that has a history but is also making history at the moment. Third, it wants to bring possible fields of application into play which remain unexplored, or which lie in the future. Literature analysis and own considerations and conclusions are used. The article first defines and distinguishes ‚biohacking‘, ‚bodyhacking‘, ‚human enhancement‘, ‚animal enhancement‘, ‚cyborg‘, and ‚transhumanism‘. It then addresses selected examples of bodyhacking. The author lists typical and known applications, ordered by their different objectives. He discusses actual and potential developments, for example as a response to potential crises and disasters (including pandemics) and in the context of satellites and foreign planets. On this basis, a brief philosophical discourse takes place leading to a summary and outlook. It turns out that bodyhacking brings opportunities with it, especially for the self-determined person, who takes his or her own body as a starting point and deals responsibly with the potentials. In this way, it can break with outdated conventions and create a new view of the body and its relationship with the environment. Moreover, it promises solutions to present and future problems. Of course, it also harbours moral and health risks.“ The book is available for pre-order now. More information via

Fig.: Cosplayer in London

„Bodily Encounters“ at Salon Suisse

The Salon Suisse at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice presents its program under the title „Bodily Encounters“. Salonnière is Evelyn Steiner, under assistance of Viviane Ehrensberger. „Bodily Encounters revolves around the fundamental Relationships between the body and architecture: when space is being experienced, the body serves as the most important system of orientation and measurement.“ (Booklet Salon Suisse) On November 18, 2021, Palazzo Trevisan will host the event „JETHRO KNIGHTS, ARMOR GUYVER, AND MUTANT X: HOW TRANSHUMANISTS CHALLENGE ARCHITECTURE“. In the booklet you can read: „Body hacking means invasive or non-invasive intervention in the human body for the purposes of human enhancement or transhumanism. Implanted chips and technical enhancements, for instance, enable the human senses to be extended or purposefully controlled. This evening, the focus is on physical and mental transformation and its impact on architecture. How does architecture respond to members of the human species who take the course of evolution into their own hands? For example, the human sensorium could be adapted to external influences and optimised in such a way that construction in compliance with noise regulations or adherence to climate-related requirements and disability standards would become obsolete. After an introduction to transhumanism by Professor of Information Ethics and Machine Ethics Oliver Bendel, Georg Vrachliotis, Professor of Architectural Theory, and the body hacker Mike Schaffner, will discuss various scenarios and leave room for some surprises.“ (Booklet Salon Suisse) You can download the booklet with further information about the Salon Suisse program here.

Fig.: In Venice

International Architecture Exhibition Postponed

La Biennale di Venezia announces that the 17th International Architecture Exhibition („How Will We Live Together?“) has been postponed to 2021, to be held from 22 May to 21 November. If all things go well, next year’s Salon Suisse will again be dedicated to the topic „Bodily Encounters“. In this case, a lecture by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel on bio- and bodyhacking will take place in Palazzo Trevisan, followed by a discussion with Mike Schaffner and Prof. Dr. Georg Vrachliotis. Biohacking can be defined as the use of biological, chemical or technical means to penetrate organisms or their components in order to change and improve them. The combination of organisms is also possible, creating real-life chimeras. A subsection of biohacking is bodyhacking, in which one intervenes in the animal or human body with biological and chemical, but above all technical means (computer chips, magnets, devices of all kinds, exoskeletons and prostheses), often with the aim of animal or human enhancement and sometimes with a transhumanist mentality. Oliver Bendel is an information and machine ethicist and has been working on human enhancement and animal enhancement for years. Georg Vrachliotis is a professor of architecture, Mike Schaffner a transhumanist.

Fig.: At Biennale di Venezia