ICSR is one of the leading conferences for social robotics worldwide. The 17th edition will take place from 10 to 12 September 2025 in Naples, Italy. Participants will meet for two days at the Parthenope University of Naples and for the third day at the Città della Scienza conference center. In 2024, the conference took place in Odense, Denmark. A video on YouTube by Hooman Samani provides insights into the presentations and events: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj6p2yguYBk … It not only shows that numerous top-class presentations take place, but also that the members of the community are highly motivated and have a lot of fun. The high level of internationality and diversity of the conference should also be emphasized. The conference website of ICSR 2025 is online since January: icsr2025.eu.
Friday morning of the ICSR 2024 (23 – 25 October 2024) was filled with an exciting and inspiring program. This included the Special Session Arts. The Robot Design Competition was organized as a parallel session. Fourteen projects of varying maturity were presented. There were three categories: „1. Innovative Idea: The entries, which are innovative but are in the early stages of conceptualization will be considered for this category; 2. Innovative Solution: The entries, which have demonstrated maturity of the proposed solution through prototypes will be considered for this category; 3. Innovative Product: The entries, which have targeted specific applications through a more matured robotics solutions as a potential product will be considered for this category.“ (Website ICSR) The judges included Amit Kumar Pandey (Rovial Space), Kimmo Vänni (Häme University of Applied Sciences HAMK), Mariacarla Staffa (University of Naples Parthenope), and Oliver Bendel (FHNW School of Business). The winner in the Innovative Solution category was „Modular Robotic Furniture“. The researchers presented adaptive furniture that is a side table one moment, a dining table for several people the next, and a container for dirty dishes or worn laundry the next.
ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2024 (DIS 2024) will be held from 1-5 July 2024 at IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Call for Papers for the Creative Robotics Theatre workshop is open to workshop papers, videos, pictorials, design explorations and performances. The roboticist and artist Hooman Samani is one of the organizers. He calls for participation on his website: „Join us at DIS 2024 for an innovative workshop exploring the confluence of robotics, theatre, and societal change. We are seeking artists, technologists, researchers, and practitioners interested in pushing the boundaries of Creative Robotics Theatre to enhance societal well-being and address global challenges.“ (Website Hooman Samani) Topics of interest include creative robotics theatre, robotics performance, embodied and tangible interfaces and performances, and performance with embodied objects. The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2024. Further information on the workshop is available at hoomansamani.com.
Fig.: The Little Mermaid sits on a rock at Langelinie Pier, Copenhagen
Im Herbst 2022 hat Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel zusätzlich zu seiner Professur an der FHNW an der Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz in Zürich im Modul „Computational Engineering and Robotics“ den Modulteil „Robotics“ übernommen. Den Teilnehmern vermittelt er darin Grundlagen zu Industrie- und Servicerobotik sowie zur Sozialen Robotik. Zudem werden ontologische, ästhetische und ethische Fragen diskutiert. Im Herbst 2023 findet die zweite Durchführung statt, am 9. September, 16. September und 23. September. Die Robotik gewinnt an Schweizer Hochschulen immer mehr an Relevanz. Die FHNW betreibt eigene Labore mit einem Fokus auf Servicerobotik und Sozialer Robotik. Oliver Bendel ergänzt deren Modelle (Pepper und NAO) in seinem Wahlmodul „Soziale Roboter“ an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW u.a. mit Alpha Mini, Cozmo, Vector, Hugvie und HUGGIE aus seinem privaten Social Robots Lab – zu dem in Kürze auch der Unitree Go2 stoßen wird. Zuletzt wurde in einem Forschungsprojekt ein Alpha Mini in eine Lernanwendung integriert. Er zeigt Kindern ein Lernspiel auf einem MS Surface und gibt ihnen gestisches und verbales Feedback. Soziale Roboter sind auch das Thema im zweiten Block des Modulteils „Robotics“ des 9. September an der Kalaidos Fachhochschule. Davor, im ersten Block, werden Grundlagen zur Robotik gelegt und Industrie- und Serviceroboter behandelt.
Oliver Bendel hat seit 2009 eine Professur an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW (Standorte in Basel, Muttenz, Olten und Brugg-Windisch) inne. Studiert hat er ab 1987 an der Universität Konstanz Philosophie und Germanistik (M.A.) sowie Informationswissenschaft (Dipl.-Inf.-Wiss.), promoviert ab 1999 an der Universität St. Gallen zu pädagogischen Agenten (speziellen Conversational Agents und sozialen Robotern) im Fachbereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Dr. oec.). Er lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW in Olten und Brugg-Windisch (Informations- und Maschinenethik sowie Soziale Robotik) und an der Hochschule für Technik FHNW in Brugg-Windisch (Informations- und Maschinenethik sowie Wissensmanagement). Ab Herbstsemester 2022 kommen zwei weitere Deputate hinzu. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel übernimmt im Modul „Ethik und Recht“ an der Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW in Muttenz den Modulteil „Ethik“ und lehrt darin zur Technikethik und Informationsethik. Zudem übernimmt er an der Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz in Zürich im Modul „Computational Engineering and Robotics“ den Modulteil „Robotics“ und vermittelt darin Grundlagen zur Industrierobotik, Servicerobotik sowie Sozialen Robotik. Im Herbstsemester 2022 findet auch die zweite Durchführung des Wahlmoduls „Soziale Roboter“ am FHNW-Standort Olten statt. Die erste Durchführung im Herbstsemester 2021 hatte das österreichische Fernsehen begleitet.
Abb.: Oliver Bendel an der FHNW in Brugg-Windisch (Foto: Sara Zarubica)
The paper „Should Social Robots in Retail Manipulate Customers?“ by Oliver Bendel and Liliana Margarida Dos Santos Alves was accepted at the AAAI 2022 Spring Symposia (Stanford University). The two authors will present it at the end of March 2022 at the symposium „How Fair is Fair? Achieving Wellbeing AI“. From the abstract: „Against the backdrop of structural changes in the retail trade, social robots have found their way into retail stores and shopping malls in order to attract, welcome, and greet customers; to inform them, advise them, and persuade them to make a purchase. Salespeople often have a broad knowledge of their product and rely on offering competent and honest advice, whether it be on shoes, clothing, or kitchen appliances. However, some frequently use sales tricks to secure purchases. The question arises of how consulting and sales robots should ‚behave‘. Should they behave like human advisors and salespeople, i.e., occasionally manipulate customers? Or should they be more honest and reliable than us? This article tries to answer these questions. After explaining the basics, it evaluates a study in this context and gives recommendations for companies that want to use consulting and sales robots. Ultimately, fair, honest, and trustworthy robots in retail are a win-win situation for all concerned.“ More information about the AAAI 2022 Spring Symposia is available here.
„That’s one small flight for Ingenuity – one giant journey for mankind.“ This can be said after the successful experiment on 19 April 2021 with the tiny helicopter on Mars. Ingenuity flew vertically into the air, took a selfie with its shadow, and landed safely back on the ground. The red planet is associated with many expectations and aspirations. At the moment, the surface is being explored in an unprecedented way. In a few years, humans are expected to travel to Mars. In doing so, they will also need advice and support. Because the personnel on Earth are far away, a voice assistant is a possible solution. SPACE THEA is a voicebot that shows empathy (but doesn’t have it, of course). Like GOODBOT and BESTBOT, she recognizes user problems – but unlike those chatbots, she has a voice. SPACE THEA will be developed until August 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel at the School of Business FHNW. The project aims to cover several scenarios on the flight to Mars. However, a voicebot could also be useful on the planet itself, for example to control a tiny helicopter.
Fig.: The shadow of Ingenuity (photo: screenshot from NASA livestream)
The project on robot enhancement at the School of Business FHNW has been running since the summer of 2020 and an online survey is currently being conducted. Participation is still possible until November 30, 2020. Vedrana Petrovic and Thao Doan Thi Thu sent a message to all students at the university: „We are two students studying International Management at campus Olten and currently writing our bachelor thesis about social robot enhancement. This thesis is supervised by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel and written on behalf of the FHNW. The objective of this bachelor thesis is to examine a potential new working field related to social robots. Therefore, your responses will be very valuable to us. The online survey takes about 5-10 minutes to be completed and can be done until 30 November 2020. Any data is treated anonymously and solely used for the purpose of the survey. Also, don’t miss the chance to win two Coop vouchers worth CHF 20 each at the end of the survey! You can access the survey here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y88DNZ3 …“ Over 100 people have already taken part. In order to reach even more people, the students have agreed with the supervisor to spread the link via blogs.
Social robots and service robots usually have a defined locomotor system, a defined appearance and defined mimic and gestural abilities. This leads, on the one hand, to a certain familiarization effect. On the other hand, the actions of the robots are thus limited, for example in the household or in a shopping mall. Robot enhancement is used to extend and improve social robots and service robots. It changes their appearance and expands their scope. It is possible to apply attachments to the hardware, extend limbs and exchange components. One can pull skin made of silicone over the face or head, making the robots look humanoid. One can also change the software and connect the robot to AI systems – this is already done many times. The project or thesis, announced by Oliver Bendel in August 2020 at the School of Business FHNW, should first present the principles and functional possibilities of robot enhancement. Second, concrete examples should be given and described. One of these examples, e.g., the skin made of silicone, has to be implemented. Robots like Pepper or Atlas would be completely changed by such a skin. They could look uncanny, but also appealing. The project will start in September 2020.
In May 2020 the media was interested in a video by Rocos showing a robot from Boston Dynamics trying to be a shepherd dog. You could see the artificial quadruped running towards a flock of sheep. “Now, it’s clear that the video is mostly a fun teaser rather than a serious claim by Rocos (or Boston Dynamics) that robots will soon be replacing sheepdogs.” (The Verge, 22 May 2020) According to the magazine, it does invite a tantalizing question: if that did happen, „how well would the robots fare“ (The Verge, 22 May 2020)? „Terrible“, is the straight answer of sheep farmer and author James Rebanks. „The robot might be an amazing tool for lots of things but it is worthless and unwanted as a sheepdog …“ (The Verge, 22 May 2020) However, the profession of shepherd is not everywhere in the world the dream of all boys and girls, and shepherd dogs do not fall from the sky. It is also not clear whether there is a big difference for the sheep and how positively or negatively they react to the machine. It is just as unclear whether lambs that have never met real dogs would be comfortable with it. This would have to be researched in animal psychology and social robotics and in disciplines such as animal-machine interaction, which are still in their infancy. Only then would one know whether the shepherd interviewed by the magazine is right.
The paper „Co-Robots as Care Robots“ by Oliver Bendel, Alina Gasser and Joel Siebenmann, accepted at the AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium „Applied AI in Healthcare: Safety, Community, and the Environment“, can be accessed via arxiv.org/abs/2004.04374. From the abstract: „Cooperation and collaboration robots, co-robots or cobots for short, are an integral part of factories. For example, they work closely with the fitters in the automotive sector, and everyone does what they do best. However, the novel robots are not only relevant in production and logistics, but also in the service sector, especially where proximity between them and the users is desired or unavoidable. For decades, individual solutions of a very different kind have been developed in care. Now experts are increasingly relying on co-robots and teaching them the special tasks that are involved in care or therapy. This article presents the advantages, but also the disadvantages of co-robots in care and support, and provides information with regard to human-robot interaction and communication. The article is based on a model that has already been tested in various nursing and retirement homes, namely Lio from F&P Robotics, and uses results from accompanying studies. The authors can show that co-robots are ideal for care and support in many ways. Of course, it is also important to consider a few points in order to guarantee functionality and acceptance.“ Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the physical meeting to be held at Stanford University was postponed. It will take place in November 2020 in Washington (AAAI 2020 Fall Symposium Series).
Fig.: Lio at Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht (photo: Urs Jaudas/F&P Robotics)
The paper „Care Robots with Sexual Assistance Functions“ by Oliver Bendel was accepted at the AAAI 2020 Spring Symposia. From the abstract: „Residents in retirement and nursing homes have sexual needs just like other people. However, the semi-public situation makes it difficult for them to satisfy these existential concerns. In addition, they may not be able to meet a suitable partner or find it difficult to have a relationship for mental or physical reasons. People who live or are cared for at home can also be affected by this problem. Perhaps they can host someone more easily and discreetly than the residents of a health facility, but some elderly and disabled people may be restricted in some ways. This article examines the opportunities and risks that arise with regard to care robots with sexual assistance functions. First of all, it deals with sexual well-being. Then it presents robotic systems ranging from sex robots to care robots. Finally, the focus is on care robots, with the author exploring technical and design issues. A brief ethical discussion completes the article. The result is that care robots with sexual assistance functions could be an enrichment of the everyday life of people in need of care, but that we also have to consider some technical, design and moral aspects.“ The paper had been submitted to the symposium „Applied AI in Healthcare: Safety, Community, and the Environment“. Oliver Bendel will present the paper at Stanford University between 23 and 25 March 2020.
According to The Robot Report, Anki’s little robots might be making a comeback. Digital Dream Labs in Pittsburgh acquired the patents, trademarks, and domain. The start-up company „is planning to revive and manufacture more units of each product in the following order: Overdrive, Cozmo, Vector“ (The Robot Report, 26 December 2019). Digital Dream Labs founder H. Jacob Hanchar told The Robot Report „the goal is to have all three products available for purchase for Christmas 2020“ (The Robot Report, 26 December 2019). The small robots belong to the best that the industry has produced. What is special about Cozmo is the many emotions it can show (but of course doesn’t have). It also has face recognition and a night vision device. The future of it and its siblings is not yet clear, as Digital Dream Labs has not purchased „physical assets and inventory“ (The Robot Report, 26 December 2019). Fans are waiting and hoping.
There are several robot restaurants and cafes in Asia. In some there are really robots, in others only the topic is taken up. SoftBank Robotics announced in autumn 2019 that it will operate a cafe in Tokyo. The humanoid robot Pepper is to play a major role in this. But people will not disappear. They will of course be guests, but also, as in the traditional establishments of this kind, waitresses and waiters. At least that’s what ZDNET reports. „The cafe, called Pepper Parlor, will utilise both human and robot staff to serve customers, and marks the company’s first time operating a restaurant or cafe.“ (ZDNET, 13 September 2019) According to SoftBank Robotics, the aim is „to create a space where people can easily experience the coexistence of people and robots and enjoy the evolution of robots and the future of living with robots“. „We want to make robots not only for convenience and efficiency, but also to expand the possibilities of people and bring happiness.“ (ZDNET, 13 September 2019) This opens up new career opportunities for the little robot, which recognizes and shows emotions, and which listens and talks and is trained in high-five. It has long since left its family’s lap, it can be found in shopping malls and nursing homes. Now it will be serving waffles in a cafe in Tokyo.
Automation is advancing relentlessly. Already decades ago, digitization was its partner. In the industry, innovative robots, for example co-robots, are used. Service robots begin to spread in various areas. Systems of artificial intelligence perform tasks of all sorts, even creative activities. The studies on the development of the labor market reach different results. In any case, it can be said that certain jobs will disappear and many people will have to do without their familiar work. It can also be assumed that in many areas less human work has to be performed on behalf (e.g., for customers and employers). As possible solutions to economic and social problems, an unconditional basic income and a robot tax are suggested. The paper „Are Robot Tax, Basic Income or Basic Property Solutions to the Social Problems of Automation?“ by Oliver Bendel presents, discusses and criticizes these approaches in the context of automation and digitization. Moreover, it develops a relatively unknown proposal, unconditional basic property, and presents its potentials as well as its risks. The ethicist from Zurich will share his results between 25 and 27 March 2019 at the AAAI Spring Symposia (Stanford University).
Semi-autonomous machines, autonomous machines and robots inhabit closed, semi-closed and open environments. There they encounter domestic animals, farm animals, working animals and/or wild animals. These animals could be disturbed, displaced, injured or killed. Within the context of machine ethics, the School of Business FHNW developed several design studies and prototypes for animal-friendly machines, which can be understood as moral machines in the spirit of this discipline. They were each linked with an annotated decision tree containing the ethical assumptions or justifications for interactions with animals. Annotated decision trees are seen as an important basis in developing moral machines. They are not without problems and contradictions, but they do guarantee well-founded, secure actions that are repeated at a certain level. The article „Towards animal-friendly machines“ by Oliver Bendel, published in August 2018 in Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, documents completed and current projects, compares their relative risks and benefits, and makes proposals for future developments in machine ethics.
„Robophilosophy 2018 – Envisioning Robots In Society: Politics, Power, And Public Space“ is the third event in the Robophilosophy Conference Series which focusses on robophilosophy, a new field of interdisciplinary applied research in philosophy, robotics, artificial intelligence and other disciplines. The main organizers are Prof. Dr. Mark Coeckelbergh, Dr. Janina Loh and Michael Funk. Plenary speakers are Joanna Bryson (Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK), Hiroshi Ishiguro (Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, Osaka University, Japan), Guy Standing (Basic Income Earth Network and School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK), Catelijne Muller (Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence, European Economic and Social Committee), Robert Trappl (Head of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria), Simon Penny (Department of Art, University of California, Irvine), Raja Chatila (IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in AI and Automated Systems, Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France), Josef Weidenholzer (Member of the European Parliament, domains of automation and digitization), and Oliver Bendel (Institute for Information Systems, FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland). The conference will take place from 14 to 17 February 2018 in Vienna. More information via conferences.au.dk/robo-philosophy/.
Der Artikel „Die Industrie 4.0 aus ethischer Sicht“ erscheint am 23. Juli 2015 in der Zeitschrift HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, als „Online-First“-Artikel auf SpringerLink. Die deutsche Zusammenfassung: „Der vorliegende Beitrag arbeitet die wesentlichen Merkmale der Industrie 4.0 heraus und setzt sie ins Verhältnis zur Ethik. Es interessieren vor allem Bereichsethiken wie Informations-, Technik- und Wirtschaftsethik. Am Rande wird auf die Maschinenethik eingegangen, im Zusammenhang mit der sozialen Robotik. Es zeigt sich, dass die Industrie 4.0 neben ihren Chancen, die u. a. ökonomische und technische Aspekte betreffen, auch Risiken beinhaltet, denen rechtzeitig in Wort und Tat begegnet werden muss.“ Das englische Abstract: „This article highlights the essential features of the industry 4.0 and puts them in relation to ethics. Of special interest are the fields of applied ethics such as information, technology and business ethics. Machine ethics is mentioned in passing in connection with social robotics. It is evident that the industry 4.0 in addition to opportunities, affecting among other things economic and technical aspects, includes also risks which must be addressed in word and deed in a timely manner.“ Weitere Informationen über link.springer.com/article/10.1365/s40702-015-0163-z.
Abb.: Ihr Verhalten kann Einfluss auf die Produktion haben