ICSR is one of the leading conferences for social robotics worldwide. The 17th edition will take place from 10 to 12 September 2025 in Naples, Italy. Participants will meet for two days at the Parthenope University of Naples and for the third day at the Città della Scienza conference center. In 2024, the conference took place in Odense, Denmark. A video on YouTube by Hooman Samani provides insights into the presentations and events: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj6p2yguYBk … It not only shows that numerous top-class presentations take place, but also that the members of the community are highly motivated and have a lot of fun. The high level of internationality and diversity of the conference should also be emphasized. The conference website of ICSR 2025 is online since January: icsr2025.eu.
Die ICSR wurde 2024 in Odense wie schon 2023 in Doha und 2022 in Florenz von einer ausgedehnten und sehenswerten Messe begleitet. Vor Ort waren Roboter wie Navel (Navel Robotics), Furhat (Furhat Robotics), HospiBot (SDU Robotics, Universität zu Lübeck, Fachhochschule Kiel und weitere Partner) sowie TIAGo und TIAGo Pro (beide PAL Robotics). Navel ist einem kleinen Jungen nachempfunden. Seine Augen bestehen aus zwei Komponenten, einem Display und einem darüberliegenden Glas, das die Augen auf dem Display plastisch erscheinen lässt. Die Arme sind einfach gestaltet und können nach oben und unten bewegt werden. Dadurch können Freude und Bedauern ausgedrückt und Begrüßungen begleitet werden. Navel wird in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen eingesetzt. Er erhielt 2024 den Digital Health Award (DGP) von Novartis. Die Medien berichten rege über ihn, etwa das ZDF in Terra Xplore – Jasmina Neudecker war 2023 im Gespräch mit dem Gründer der Firma, Claude Toussaint.
Abb.: Oliver Bendel bei der ICSR 2024 mit Navel (Foto: Tamara Siegmann)
The Uncanny Valley effect is a famous hypothesis. Whether it can be influenced by context is still unclear. In an online experiment, Katharina Kühne and her co-authors Oliver Bendel, Yuefang Zue, and Martin Fischer found a negative linear relationship between a robot’s human likeness and its likeability and trustworthiness, and a positive linear relationship between a robot’s human likeness and its uncaniness. „Social context priming improved overall likability and trust of robots but did not modulate the Uncanny Valley effect.“ (Abstract) Katharina Kühne outlined these conclusions in her presentation „Social, but Still Uncanny“ – the title of the paper – on 25 October 2024 at the International Conference on Social Robotics 2024 in Odense, Denmark. Like Yuefang Zue and Martin Fischer, she is a researcher at the University of Potsdam. Oliver Bendel teaches and researches at the FHNW School of Business. Together with Tamara Siegmann, he presented a second paper at the ICSR.
Several honors and award ceremonies took place on the sidelines of the ICSR 2024 gala dinner. Members of the committees were called to the stage of the Anarkist – Beer and Food Lab. In 2024, the general chairs were Oskar Palinko and Leon Bodenhagen, both from the University of Southern Denmark. John-John Cabibihan, Qatar University, was general co-chair. The standing committee was chaired by Shuzhi Sam Ge, National University of Singapore. The program chairs included Kerstin Fischer, University of Southern Denmark, and the special session chairs included Ross Mead, Semio, USA. Competition chair was Amit Kumar Pandey, Rovial Space, France. The publicity chairs included Oliver Bendel, School of Business, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. The ICSR is, along with Robophilosophy, the most important conference on social robotics.
Fig.: Committee members on the stage (Photo: Tamara Siegmann)
Der Uncanny-Valley-Effekt ist eine berühmte Hypothese. Es ist bis heute unklar, ob er vom Kontext beeinflusst werden kann. Katharina Kühne hat mit ihren Mitautoren Oliver Bendel, Yuefang Zue und Martin Fischer in einem Onlineexperiment eine negative lineare Beziehung zwischen der Menschenähnlichkeit eines Roboters und seiner Sympathie und Vertrauenswürdigkeit gefunden, zugleich eine positive lineare Beziehung zwischen der Menschenähnlichkeit eines Roboters und seiner Unheimlichkeit. „Social context priming improved overall likability and trust of robots but did not modulate the Uncanny Valley effect.“ (Abstract) Die Schlussfolgerungen wird Katharina Kühne in ihrer Präsentation „Social, but Still Uncanny“ – so auch der Titel des Papers – bei der International Conference on Social Robotics 2024 in Odense (Dänemark) ziehen. Die Doktorandin forscht wie Yuefang Zue und Martin Fischer (Erstbetreuer) an der Universität Potsdam. Oliver Bendel (Zweitbetreuer) lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW. Er ist zusammen mit Tamara Siegmann mit einem zweiten Paper bei der ICSR vertreten.
Tamara Siegmann and Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel carried out the „Robots in Prison“ project in June and July 2024. The student, who is studying business administration at the FHNW School of Business, came up with the idea after taking an elective module on social robots with Oliver Bendel. In his paper „Love Dolls and Sex Robots in Unproven and Unexplored Fields of Application“, the philosopher of technology had already made a connection between robots and prisons, but had not systematically investigated this. They did this together with the help of expert interviews with the intercantonal commissioner for digitalization, several prison directors and employees as well as inmates. The result was the paper „Social and Collaborative Robots in Prison“, which was submitted to the ICSR 2024. The International Conference on Social Robotics is the most important conference for social robotics alongside Robophilosophy. The paper was accepted in September 2024 after a revision of the methods section, which was made more transparent and extensive and linked to a directory on GitHub. This year’s conference will take place in Odense (Denmark) from October 23 to 26. Last year it was held in Doha (Qatar) and the year before last in Florence (Italy).
The deadline for the International Conference on Social Robotics 2024 (ICSR 2024) has been extended again. Experts in social robotics and related fields have until July 19 to submit their full papers. The prestigious event was last held in Florence (2022) and Qatar (2023). Now it enters its next round. The 16th edition will bring together researchers and practitioners working on human-robot interaction and the integration of social robots into our society. The title of the conference includes the addition „AI“. This is a clarification and demarcation that has to do with the fact that there will be two further formats with the name ICSR in 2024. ICSR’24 (ICSR + AI) will take place as a face-to-face conference in Odense, Denmark, from 23 to 26 October 2024. The theme of this year’s conference is „Empowering Humanity: The role of social and collaborative robotics in shaping our future“. The topics of the Call for Papers include „collaborative robots in service applications (in construction, agriculture, etc.)“, „Human-robot interaction and collaboration“, „Affective and cognitive sciences for socially interactive robots“, and „Context awareness, expectation, and intention understanding“. The general chairs are Oskar Palinko, University of Southern Denmark, and Leon Bodenhagen, University of Southern Denmark. More information is available at icsr2024.dk.
The deadline for the International Conference on Social Robotics 2024 (ICSR 2024) has been extended. Experts in social robotics and related fields have until July 12 to submit their full papers. The prestigious event was last held in Florence (2022) and Qatar (2023). Now it enters its next round. The 16th edition will bring together researchers and practitioners working on human-robot interaction and the integration of social robots into our society. The title of the conference includes the addition „AI“. This is a clarification and demarcation that has to do with the fact that there will be two further formats with the name ICSR in 2024. ICSR’24 (ICSR + AI) will take place as a face-to-face conference in Odense, Denmark, from 23 to 26 October 2024. The theme of this year’s conference is „Empowering Humanity: The role of social and collaborative robotics in shaping our future“. The topics of the Call for Papers include „collaborative robots in service applications (in construction, agriculture, etc.)“, „Human-robot interaction and collaboration“, „Affective and cognitive sciences for socially interactive robots“, and „Context awareness, expectation, and intention understanding“. The general chairs are Oskar Palinko, University of Southern Denmark, and Leon Bodenhagen, University of Southern Denmark. More information is available at icsr2024.dk.
Fig.: The venue of the conference (Photo: Jacob Christensen)
The deadline for the International Conference on Social Robotics 2014 (ICSR 2024) is approaching. Experts in social robotics and related fields have until July 5 to submit their full papers. The prestigious event was last held in Florence (2022) and Qatar (2023). Now it enters its next round. The 16th edition will bring together researchers and practitioners working on human-robot interaction and the integration of social robots into our society. The title of the conference includes the addition „AI“. This is a clarification and demarcation that has to do with the fact that there will be two further formats with the name ICSR in 2024. ICSR’24 (ICSR + AI) will take place as a face-to-face conference in Odense, Denmark, from 23 to 26 October 2024. The theme of this year’s conference is „Empowering Humanity: The role of social and collaborative robotics in shaping our future“. The topics of the Call for Papers include „collaborative robots in service applications (in construction, agriculture, etc.)“, „Human-robot interaction and collaboration“, „Affective and cognitive sciences for socially interactive robots“, and „Context awareness, expectation, and intention understanding“. The general chairs are Oskar Palinko, University of Southern Denmark, and Leon Bodenhagen, University of Southern Denmark. More information is available at icsr2024.dk.
The prestigious International Conference on Social Robotics was last held in Florence (2022) and Qatar (2023). Now it enters its next round. The 16th edition will bring together researchers and practitioners working on human-robot interaction and the integration of social robots into our society. The title of the conference includes the addition „AI“. This is a clarification and demarcation that has to do with the fact that there will be two further formats with the name ICSR in 2024. ICSR’24 (ICSR + AI) will take place as a face-to-face conference in Odense, Denmark, from 23 to 26 October 2024. The theme of this year’s conference is „Empowering Humanity: The role of social and collaborative robotics in shaping our future“. The topics of the Call for Papers include „collaborative robots in service applications (in construction, agriculture, etc.)“, „Human-robot interaction and collaboration“, „Affective and cognitive sciences for socially interactive robots“, and „Context awareness, expectation, and intention understanding“. The general chairs are Oskar Palinko, University of Southern Denmark, and Leon Bodenhagen, University of Southern Denmark. More information is available at icsr2024.dk.