A Markup Language for Moral Machines

In many cases it is important that an autonomous system acts and reacts adequately from a moral point of view. There are some artifacts of machine ethics, e.g., GOODBOT or LADYBIRD by Oliver Bendel or Nao as a care robot by Susan Leigh and Michael Anderson. But there is no standardization in the field of moral machines yet. The MOML project, initiated by Oliver Bendel, is trying to work in this direction. In the management summary of his bachelor thesis Simon Giller writes: „We present a literature review in the areas of machine ethics and markup languages which shaped the proposed morality markup language (MOML). To overcome the most substantial problem of varying moral concepts, MOML uses the idea of the morality menu. The menu lets humans define moral rules and transfer them to an autonomous system to create a proxy morality. Analysing MOML excerpts allowed us to develop an XML schema which we then tested in a test scenario. The outcome is an XML based morality markup language for autonomous agents. Future projects can use this language or extend it. Using the schema, anyone can write MOML documents and validate them. Finally, we discuss new opportunities, applications and concerns related to the use of MOML. Future work could develop a controlled vocabulary or an ontology defining terms and commands for MOML.“ The bachelor thesis will be publicly available in autumn 2020. It was supervised by Dr. Elzbieta Pustulka. There will also be a paper with the results next year.

Fig.: Test scenario (Illustration: Simon Giller)


Es existieren mehrere Markup Languages. Die bekannteste ist sicherlich die Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Im Bereich der KI hat sich AIML etabliert. Für synthetische Stimmen wird SSML eingesetzt. Die Frage ist, ob damit die Möglichkeiten mit Blick auf autonome Systeme ausgeschöpft sind. In dem Beitrag „Das Moralmenü: Moralische Maschinen mit einer Stellvertretermoral“ von Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel wurde zum ersten Mal eine Morality Markup Language (MOML) vorgeschlagen. Eine Studienarbeit unter der Betreuung des Informations- und Maschinenethikers hat 2019 untersucht, welche Möglichkeiten bestehende Sprachen hinsichtlich moralischer Aspekte haben und ob eine MOML gerechtfertigt ist. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Januar 2020 vorgestellt. Eine Bachelorarbeit an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW geht ab Ende März 2020 einen Schritt weiter. In ihr sollen Grundzüge einer Morality Markup Language erarbeitet werden. Es sollen die Grundstruktur und spezifische Befehle vorgeschlagen und beschrieben werden. Es sind die Anwendungsbereiche, Vorteile und Nachteile einer solchen Markierungssprache darzustellen. Auftraggeber der Arbeit ist Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, Betreuerin Dr. Elzbieta Pustulka.

Abb.: Von HTML, SSML und AIML zu MOML

Towards a Morality Markup Language

At the request of Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, a student at the School of Business FHNW, Alessandro Spadola, investigated in the context of machine ethics whether markup languages such as HTML, SSML and AIML can be used to transfer moral aspects to machines or websites and whether there is room for a new language that could be called Morality Markup Language (MOML). He presented his results in January 2020. From the management summary: „However, the idea that owners should be able to transmit their own personal morality has been explored by Bendel, who has proposed an open way of transferring morality to machines using a markup language. This research paper analyses whether a new markup language could be used to imbue machines with their owners‘ sense of morality. This work begins with an analysis how a markup language is structured, describes the current well-known markup languages and analyses their differences. In doing so, it reveals that the main difference between the well-known markup languages lies in the different goals they pursue which at the same time forms the subject, which is marked up. This thesis then examines the possibility of transferring personal morality with the current languages available and discusses whether there is a need for a further language for this purpose. As is shown, morality can only be transmitted with increased effort and the knowledge of human perception because it is only possible to transmit them by interacting with the senses of the people. The answer to the question of whether there is room for another markup language is ‚yes‘, since none of the languages analysed offer a simple way to transmit morality, and simplicity is a key factor in markup languages. Markup languages all have clear goals, but none have the goal of transferring and displaying morality. The language that could assume this task is ‚Morality Markup‘, and the present work describes how such a language might look.“ (Management Summary) The promising results are to be continued in the course of the year by another student in a bachelor thesis.

Fig.: Is there room for a MOML?