In January 2023, the Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022 were published. Included is the paper „Robots in Policing“ by Oliver Bendel. From the abstract: „This article is devoted to the question of how robots are used in policing and what opportunities and risks arise in social terms. It begins by briefly explaining the characteristics of modern police work. It puts service robots and social robots in relation to each other and outlines relevant disciplines. The article also lists types of robots that are and could be relevant in the present context. It then gives examples from different countries of the use of robots in police work and security services. From these, it derives the central tasks of robots in this area and their most important technical features. A discussion from social, ethical, and technical perspectives seeks to provide clarity on how robots are changing the police as a social institution and with social actions and relationships, and what challenges need to be addressed.“ (Abstract) Robots in policing is a topic that has not received much attention. However, it is likely to become considerably more topical in the next few years. More information about the conference on
Fig.: The conference poster at the University of Helsinki
In January 2023, the proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022 were published, under the title „Social Robots in Social Institutions“. „This book presents the Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022, the 5th event in the biennial Robophilosophy conference series, held in Helsinki, Finland, from 16 to 19 August 2022. The theme of this edition of the conference was Social Robots in Social Institutions, and it featured international multidisciplinary research from the humanities, social sciences, Human-Robot Interaction, and social robotics. The 63 papers, 41 workshop papers and 5 posters included in this book are divided into 4 sections: plenaries, sessions, workshops and posters, with the 41 papers in the ‚Sessions‘ section grouped into 13 subdivisions including elderly care, healthcare, law, education and art, as well as ethics and religion. These papers explore the anticipated conceptual and practical changes which will come about in the course of introducing social robotics into public and private institutions, such as public services, legal systems, social and healthcare services, or educational institutions.“ (Website IOS Press) The proceedings contain the paper „Robots in Policing“ by Oliver Bendel and the poster „Tamagotchi on our couch: Are social robots perceived as pets?“ by Katharina Kühne, Melinda A. Jeglinski-Mende, and Oliver Bendel. More information via
Katharina Kühne and Melinda A. Jeglinski-Mende (University of Potsdam) together with Oliver Bendel (School of Business FHNW) have written an extended abstract for Robophilosophy 2022 entitled „Tamagotchi on our Couch“. The corresponding poster was presented by Katharina Kühne on on August 16, 2022, the first day of the conference. The poster is made available here. From the abstract: „Although social robots increasingly enter our lives, it is not clear how they are perceived. Previous research indicates that there is a tendency to anthropomorphize social robots, at least in the Western culture. One of the most promising roles of robots in our society is companionship. Pets also fulfill this role, which gives their owners health and wellbeing benefits. In our study, we investigated if social robots can implicitly and explicitly be perceived as pets. In an online experiment, we measured implicit associations between pets and robots using pictures of robots and devices, as well as attributes denoting pet and non-pet features, in a Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT). Further, we asked our participants to explicitly evaluate to what extent they perceive robots as pets and if robots could replace a real pet. Our findings show that implicitly, but not explicitly, social robots are perceived as pets.“ (Abstract) The poster is available here.
Der vierte und letzte Tag der Robophilosophy 2022 wurde eröffnet mit einem Vortrag von Catrin Misselhorn („Three Ethical Arguments against Killer Robots“). Sie stellte u.a. die Arbeit von Ronald C. Arkin vor und übte Kritik daran. Ein Workshop und drei Sessions schlossen sich an. In Session 18 („Robots in Elderly Care II“) sprach zunächst Stefanie Baisch („Elders‘ Expectations and Experiences of Having a Companion-Type Social Robot“, mit Thorsten Kolling), dann Rajitha Ramanayake („A Small Set of Ethical Challenges For Elder-care Robots“, mit Vivek Nallur). Session 19 („Robots at Work“) wurde von Valeria Martino („Trusting Workers: Information and Sociability in the Digital Age“), Rua Williams („All Robots Are Disabled“) sowie Anna Dobrosovestnova und Tim Reinboth („Mapping Ambiguities of Helping Commercial Delivery Robots“) bestritten. Tatsächlich sind sowohl autonome als auch ferngesteuerte Transportroboter immer wieder auf Hilfe angewiesen, etwa wenn sie feststecken. Nach dem Lunch bildete die Panel Discussion, geleitet von Robert Sparrow, den Abschluss. Der australische Philosoph fragte Johanna Seibt, was Philosophen besser machen könnten. Sie forderte diese auf, zu den Robotikkonferenzen zu gehen und von ihnen zu lernen. Umgekehrt ermahnte sie die Robotiker, die Leistung der Philosophen zu achten. Zahlreiche weitere Statements und Kommentare folgten. Die Robophilosophy hat sich erneut als führende Veranstaltung für Soziale Robotik behauptet. Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz über
Abb.: Robert Sparrow, Johanna Seibt, Catrin Misselhorn und Paula Sweeney
Der zweite Tag der Konferenz wurde von einem Vortrag von Virginia Dignum über „Responsible AI: From Principles to Action“ eröffnet. Bis zum Lunch gab es vier parallele Sessions. Session 6 („Robots in Elderly Care“) umfasste die Talks von Migle Laukyte („Right to Robot or a Duty to Older Generations“) und Peter Remmers („Social Robots in Care Facilities“, zusammen mit Nele Fischer). Workshop 3 („ELSI of the Avatar Symbiotic Society“) wurde von Hiroshi Ishiguro mit „Realisation of the Avatar Symbiotic Society: The Concept and Technologies“ eröffnet. Anders als 2018 war er nicht vor Ort, sondern über Zoom zugeschaltet. Seine Vision ist, dass im Jahre 2050 viele Menschen einen oder mehrere Avatare besitzen, wobei er damit nicht virtuelle, sondern physische Repräsentanten meint. Der eine oder andere Teilnehmer fragte sich, warum er nicht seinen eigenen Avatar, den Geminoid, nach Helsinki geschickt hatte. Parallel fanden drei Sessions statt. In Session 7 („Relational Accounts“) stellte Miriam Gorr in „How We Respond to Robots and Whether It Matters Morally“ die Ansätze von John Danaher, Robert Sparrow and Mark Coeckelbergh zum moralischen Status von Maschinen auf den Prüfstand. Nach der Kaffeepause folgten zwei Workshops und zwei Sessions. In Session 10 („Robots in Healthcare II“) ging Iva Apostolova auf „The Significance of the Sense of Touch for the Use of Social Robots in Care Settings“ ein. Oliver Bendel wies in der Diskussionsrunde auf Umarmungsroboter, Liebespuppen und Sexroboter hin. Den Schlusspunkt bildete die Keynote „Socially Assistive Robotics – Methods and Implications for the Future of Work and Care“ von Maja Matarić. Sie kombiniert die Präsenz der Roboter und deren Funktionen mit Mixed Reality. Danach ging es in die nahegelegene City Hall, wo die Stadt Helsinki die Wissenschaftler empfing und umsorgte.
Robophilosophy 2022 at the University of Helsinki is the fifth event in the biennial Robophilosophy Conference Series. It „will explore the societal significance of social robots for the future of social institutions with its usual broad scope, embracing both theoretical and practical angles“ (CfP Robophilosophy). It „is an invitation to philosophers and other SSH researchers, as well as researchers in social robotics and HRI, to investigate from interdisciplinarily informed perspectives whether and how social robotics as an interdisciplinary endeavour can contribute to the ability of our institutions to perform their functions in society“ (CfP Robophilosophy). Social institutions include retirement and nursing homes, strip clubs and brothels, monasteries and seminaries, and police departments. Oliver Bendel (School of Business FHNW) will have the opportunity to present his paper entitled „Robots in Policing“ in session 1, „Robots in Law and Policing“. Cindy Friedman („Granting Negative Rights to Humanoid Robots“) and Jakob Stenseke („The Use and Abuse of Normative Ethics for Moral Machines“) will speak after him. In addition, a poster by Katharina Kühne and Melinda Mende (University of Potsdam) as well als Oliver Bendel entitled „Tamagotchi on our couch: Are social robots perceived as pets?“ was accepted. The full program is now available online.
Robophilosophy 2022 is the fifth event in the biennial Robophilosophy Conference Series. The first call for papers (CfP) was published in November 2021, the second at the end of 2021, and the final on February 25, 2022. The extended deadline for submissions of extended abstracts and full papers is March 10, 2022. The event „will explore the societal significance of social robots for the future of social institutions with its usual broad scope, embracing both theoretical and practical angles“ (CfP Robophilosophy). It „is an invitation to philosophers and other SSH researchers, as well as researchers in social robotics and HRI, to investigate from interdisciplinarily informed perspectives whether and how social robotics as an interdisciplinary endeavour can contribute to the ability of our institutions to perform their functions in society“ (CfP Robophilosophy). Topics of interest are robots and social institutions in general, robots in law and policing, robots in healthcare, and robots and social justice, amongst others. The conference will be held at the University of Helsinki in Finland from August 16-19, 2022. More information via
Robophilosophy 2022 is the fifth event in the biennial Robophilosophy Conference Series. The first call for papers (CfP) was published in November 2021, and the second at the end of 2021. The extended deadline for submissions of extended abstracts and full papers is February 28, 2022. The event „will explore the societal significance of social robots for the future of social institutions with its usual broad scope, embracing both theoretical and practical angles“ (CfP Robophilosophy). It „is an invitation to philosophers and other SSH researchers, as well as researchers in social robotics and HRI, to investigate from interdisciplinarily informed perspectives whether and how social robotics as an interdisciplinary endeavour can contribute to the ability of our institutions to perform their functions in society“ (CfP Robophilosophy). Topics of interest are robots and social institutions in general, robots in law and policing, robots in healthcare, and robots and social justice, amongst others. The conference will be held at the University of Helsinki in Finland from August 16-19, 2022. More information via