People of Animal-Computer Interaction 2024

The International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) took place at the University of Glasgow from December 2 to 5, 2024. Clara Mancini and Fiona French are among the pillars of the ACI. Clara Mancini, PhD, is professor of animal-computer interaction (ACI) and founding director of the Open University ACI Laboratory. Her work explores the interaction between animals and technology, and the nexus between technology, animal well-being and justice, and human-animal relationships. Her research spans the theory, methodology, practice, and ethics of designing animal-centered interactive systems for and with animals to contribute to a more just and inclusive multispecies society. She is a co-founder of the ACI and has been promoting animal-centered research and design across disciplines for over a decade, organizing numerous scientific events and serving on various scientific committees. Dr. Fiona French is an associate professor in the School of Computing and Digital Media of the London Metropolitan University. She is course leader for the BSc Games Programming and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Her research interests are in the area of animal-computer interaction. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel attended the ACI International Conference 2022 and 2024. He has been conducting research in the field of animal-computer interaction and animal-machine interaction since 2012. Dr. Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas (University of Glasgow) was the host of ACI 2024.

Fig.: Clara Mancini, Fiona French, and Oliver Bendel at the reception of the ACI 2024 (Photo: Jonathan Traynor)

Start of the ACI 2024

The International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) started on December 2, 2024 at the University of Glasgow. The lectures will take place on the last two days. The ACI “is the leading venue in the rapidly expanding field of ACI”. “Initially held as a one-day affiliated event, since 2016 it has become a three- or four-day independent event and has been attracting a growing number of participants and contributors from diverse backgrounds.” (Website ACI) ACI’s roots lie in the theoretical, methodological and ethical foundations and values that have informed interaction design for decades. “Growing out of this fertile ground, ACI’s theoretical and methodological scope has since been expanding to include all forms of animals’ interaction with computing systems and all aspects of animal-centred computing, resulting in an increasing variety of applications.” (Website ACI) After the welcome address by Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas (University of Glasgow) on the morning of 4 December 2024, Amanda Seed (School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews) gave her opening keynote entitled „What kind of mind do primates have?“.

Fig.: Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas welcomes the participants

Papers of Workshop „Conversational Agents“

The papers of the CHI 2019 workshop „Conversational Agents: Acting on the Wave of Research and Development“ (Glasgow, 5 May 2019) are now listed on The extended abstract by Oliver Bendel (School of Business FHNW) entitled „Chatbots as Moral and Immoral Machines“ can be downloaded here. The workshop brought together experts from all over the world who are working on the basics of chatbots and voicebots and are implementing them in different ways. Companies such as Microsoft, Mozilla and Salesforce were also present. Approximately 40 extended abstracts were submitted. On 6 May, a bagpipe player opened the four-day conference following the 35 workshops. Dr. Aleks Krotoski, Pillowfort Productions, gave the first keynote. One of the paper sessions in the morning was dedicated to the topic „Values and Design“. All in all, both classical specific fields of applied ethics and the young discipline of machine ethics were represented at the conference. More information via

Fig.: A bagpipe player

Ethik bei der CHI

Der CHI-2019-Workshop „Conversational Agents: Acting on the Wave of Research and Development“ (Glasgow, 5. Mai 2019) brachte Expertinnen und Experten aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, die Grundlagen zu Chatbots und Sprachassistenten erarbeiten und diese in unterschiedlicher Weise umsetzen. Dabei waren auch Unternehmen wie Microsoft, Mozilla und Salesforce. Herausgegriffen seien nur drei Papers von ca. 20 angenommenen (ca. 40 waren eingereicht worden). Das Thema von Fabia Catania (Politecnico di Milano) waren „Conversational Technologies Supporting Social Inclusion“. „Comparing Data from Chatbot and Web Surveys“ lautete der Titel des Papers von Soomin Kim, Seoul National University. Oliver Bendel (School of Business FHNW) präsentierte drei zwischen 2013 und 2018 in der Disziplin der Maschinenethik entwickelte Chatbots, nämlich GOODBOT, LIEBOT und BESTBOT („Chatbots as Moral and Immoral Machines“). Am 6. Mai eröffnete ein Dudelsackspieler die an die 35 Workshops anschließende viertägige Konferenz mit fast 4000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern. Dr. Aleks Krotoski, Pillowfort Productions, hielt die erste Keynote. Eine der Paper Sessions am Vormittag widmete sich dem Thema „Values and Design“. Insgesamt waren sowohl die klassischen Bereichsethiken als auch die Maschinenethik auf der Konferenz vertreten. Weitere Informationen über (Link nicht mehr gültig) und

Abb.: Dudelsackspieler bei der CHI 2019 in Glasgow