Startschuss für die Hochschule für Informatik FHNW

Alle vier Trägerkantone der FHNW haben im September und Oktober 2024 den Globalbeitrag von 204,7 Millionen Franken bewilligt. Dies meldete die Basler Zeitung am 16. Oktober 2024. Damit ist auch der Weg frei für die neue Hochschule für Informatik FHNW „mit Hauptstandort Brugg-Windisch und einem Nebenstandort in Basel“ (Basler Zeitung, 16. Oktober 2924). Sie soll Anfang 2025 gegründet werden und ihren Studienbetrieb im Herbst 2025 aufnehmen. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt soll sie die bestehenden Informatikstudiengänge der Hochschule für Technik FHNW übernehmen. In der Leistungsauftragsperiode 2025 – 2028 wird sie laut Plan weitere Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebote aufbauen sowie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten entfalten. Ziel der neuen Hochschule ist es, in der Nordwestschweiz die von Wirtschaft und Verwaltung benötigten Informatiker aus- und weiterzubilden. Die Studiengänge und -angebote der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW in Wirtschaftsinformatik, Künstlicher Intelligenz und Robotik sind von dieser Neuerung nicht betroffen. Das Portfolio der HSW bleibt damit unverändert. Die Hochschule für Informatik FHNW wird die zehnte Hochschule unter dem Dach der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz sein.

Abb.: Eine Studentin am Campus Brugg-Windisch (Foto: Pati Grabowicz)

Robot Hand Operates in the Dark

„Researchers at Columbia Engineering have demonstrated a highly dexterous robot hand, one that combines an advanced sense of touch with motor learning algorithms in order to achieve a high level of dexterity.“ (Website Columbia Engineering, 28 April 2023) Columbia Engineering reported this on its website on April 28, 2023. The text goes on to say: „As a demonstration of skill, the team chose a difficult manipulation task: executing an arbitrarily large rotation of an unevenly shaped grasped object in hand while always maintaining the object in a stable, secure hold. This is a very difficult task because it requires constant repositioning of a subset of fingers, while the other fingers have to keep the object stable. Not only was the hand able to perform this task, but it also did it without any visual feedback whatsoever, based solely on touch sensing.“ (Website Columbia Engineering, 28 April 2023) „While our demonstration was on a proof-of-concept task, meant to illustrate the capabilities of the hand, we believe that this level of dexterity will open up entirely new applications for robotic manipulation in the real world“, said Matei Ciocarlie according to the website. He is the Associate Professor in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science who developed the hand together with his graduate student Gagan Khandate.

Fig.: An artistic representation of a robot hand

International Workshop on Trustworthy Conversational Agents

In the fall of 2021, a five-day workshop on trustworthy conversational agents will be held at Schloss Dagstuhl. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel is among the invited participants. According to the website, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics pursues its mission of furthering world class research in computer science by facilitating communication and interaction between researchers. Oliver Bendel and his teams have developed several chatbots like GOODBOT, LIEBOT and BESTBOT in the context of machine ethics since 2013, which were presented at conferences at Stanford University and Jagiellonian University and received international attention. Since the beginning of 2020, he has been preparing to develop several voice assistants that can show empathy and emotion. „Schloss Dagstuhl was founded in 1990 and quickly became established as one of the world’s premier meeting centers for informatics research. Since the very first days of Schloss Dagstuhl, the seminar and workshop meeting program has always been the focus of its programmatic work. In recent years, Schloss Dagstuhl has expanded its operation and also has significant efforts underway in bibliographic services … and in open access publishing.“ (Website Schloss Dagstuhl)

Fig.: Is this voicebot trustworthy?