Towards Happy and Healthy Sled Dogs

On the last day of the ACI Conference (December 8, 2022), „Session 5: Sensors & Signals, Part II: Electric Boogaloo“ started after the lunch break. Carlos Alberto Aguilar-Lazcano (CICESE-UT3) gave a talk on the topic „Towards a monitoring and emergency alarm system activated by the barking of assistant dogs“. The next presentation was „WAG’D: Towards a Wearable Activity and Gait Detection Monitor for Sled Dogs“ by Arianna Mastali (Georgia Institute of Technology). According to her, studies have shown orthopedic injuries to be most common among sled dogs. These like to move very much, but repeatedly exceed their capabilities. To solve this problem, the team has developed a technical solution, a special wearable, with the help of which data on the condition of the animals are generated. „Spatial and Temporal Analytic Pipeline for Evaluation of Potential Guide Dogs Using Location and Behavior Data“ was the title of the next talk, given by David L. Roberts (North Carolina State University), followed by “Comparing Accelerometry and Computer Vision Sensing Modalities for High-Resolution Canine Tail Wagging Interpretation”, given by Devon Martin (North Carolina State University). More information on the conference via

Fig.: Sled dogs in the nature

Realities of Animal Technology in Industry

The fourth day of the ACI2022 conference – December 8, 2022 – began with a keynote by Carys L. Williams (DogsTrust), titled „Time Savers or Toys? Realities of Animal Technology in Industry“. „Carys is a mixed-methods Research Officer at the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, Dogs Trust. Carys’ work has focused on practical and applicable dog behaviour and welfare research to improve the lives of dogs, especially those in Dogs Trust’s 22 rehoming centres (around 12,000 dogs a year!). For the last 2 years Carys has been project lead for the Dogs Trust Post Adoption Support longitudinal research project. She has additionally supported the charity’s move to collect more and better dog data, helping build exciting bespoke digital systems. Carys has also spent over a decade in the zoo industry and is currently a volunteer invertebrate keeper at ZSL London Zoo.“ (Website ACI2022) Carys L. Williams started her keynote with a quote from Vladimir Dinets (University of Tennessee): „What is the best games console for my spider?“ … She then turned to real-world issues, such as supporting the welfare of dogs through technological means. More information on the conference via

Fig.: Carys L. Williams during her keynote

Dogs, Parrots, and other Animals

The ACI2022 conference continued on the afternoon of December 7, 2022 after the coffee break („Paper Session 3: Learning From and With Each Other​“). Cristóbal Sepulveda Álvarez (Universidad de Chile) gave a talk on the topic „Measuring Digitally Comparative Abilities Between Discreet and Continuous Quantities through a Digital Enrichment Application“. He showed a parrot that had to choose different quantities on a touch screen. Dirk van der Linden (Northumbria University) was present on behalf of Jasmine Forester-Owen (Northumbria University). He spoke about „Noisy technology, anxious dogs: can technology support caregiving in the home?“. In their prototype, they combine noise detection and body language identification in dogs. Jérémy Barbay (Universidad de Chile) gave the last three presentations of the day: „Comparing Symbolic and Numerical Counting Times between Humans and Non-Humans Through a Digital Life Enrichment Application“, „Popping Up Balloons for Science: a Research Proposal“, and „A Loggable Aid to Speech (for Human and Non-Human Animals): A Research Proposal“. More information on the conference via

Fig.: A detail from the poster of the ACI

Do AI Models „Like“ Black Dogs?

The ACI2022 conference continued on the afternoon of December 7, 2022. „Paper Session 2: Recognising Animals & Animal Behaviour“ began with a presentation by Anna Zamansky (University of Haifa). The title was „How Can Technology Support Dog Shelters in Behavioral Assessment: an Exploratory Study“. Her next talk was also about dogs: „Do AI Models ‚Like‘ Black Dogs? Towards Exploring Perceptions of Dogs with Vision-Language Models“. She went into detail about OpenAI’s CLIP model, among other things. CLIP is a neural network which learns visual concepts from natural language supervision. She raised the question: „How can we use CLIP to investigate adoptability?“ Hugo Jair Escalante (INAOE) then gave a presentation on the topic „Dog emotion recognition from images in the wild: DEBIw dataset and first results“. Emotion recognition using face recognition is still in its infancy with respect to animals, but impressive progress is already being made. The last presentation in the afternoon before the coffee break was „Detecting Canine Mastication: A Wearable Approach“ by Charles Ramey (Georgia Institute of Technology). He raised the question: „Can automatic chewing detection measure how detection canines are coping with stress?“. More information on the conference via

Fig.: A black dog

How Machines and Robots can Help Animals

On 25 February 2022, the article „Passive, Active, and Proactive Systems and Machines for the Protection and Preservation of Animals and Animal Species“ by Oliver Bendel was published in Frontiers in Animal Science. From the abstract: „Digitalization and automation are expanding into many areas, resulting in more widespread use of partially and fully autonomous machines and robots. At the same time, environmental and other crises and disasters are on the rise, the world population is growing, and animals are losing their habitat. Increasingly, machines and robots such as agricultural vehicles, autonomous cars, robotic lawnmowers, or social robots are encountering animals of all kinds. In the process, the latter are injured or killed. Some machines can be designed so that this does not happen. Relevant disciplines and research areas briefly introduced here are machine ethics, social robotics, animal-machine interaction, and animal-computer interaction. In addition, animal welfare is important. Passive and active machines—as they are called in this review—are already appearing and help to observe and protect animals. Proactive machines may play a role in the future. They could use the possibilities of full automation and autonomy to save animals from suffering in agriculture or in the wild. During crises and disasters and in extensive nature reserves, they could observe, care for, and protect animals. The review provides initial considerations on active, passive, and proactive machines and how they can be used in an animal preservation context while bearing in mind recent technical and global developments.“ The article is part of the research topic „Animal-Computer Interaction and Beyond: The Benefits of Animal-Centered Research and Design“ and can be accessed at

Abb.: Tierbeobachtung im Wald

ANIFACE: Animal Face Recognition

Face recognition for humans is very controversial, especially when it comes to surveillance or physiognomy. However, there are also other possible applications, for example in relation to animals. At the moment, individuals are mainly tracked with the help of chips and transmitters. However, these are disturbing for some of the animals. Further, the question is whether one should interfere with living beings in this way. In addition, animals are constantly being born that escape monitoring. The project „ANIFACE: Animal Face Recognition“ will develop a concept of a facial recognition system that can identify individuals of bears and wolves. These are advancing more and more in Switzerland and need to be monitored to protect them and affected people (and their agriculture). Facial recognition can be used to identify the individual animals and also to track them if there are enough stations, which of course must be connected with each other. An interesting sidebar would be emotion recognition for animals. The system could find out how bears and wolves are feeling and then trigger certain actions. The project was applied for in July 2021 by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, who has already designed and implemented several animal-friendly machines with his teams. In August, it will be decided whether he can start the work.

Abb.: Die Designstudie zu ANIFACE