Sebastian Albert ging laut einer Meldung von idw-online beim Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz (BWKI) als Sieger in der Sonderkategorie „Hardware“ hervor. „Angetreten als ‚Igelretter‘, entwickelte der 20-Jährige aus March bei Freiburg einen Algorithmus, der mit Hilfe eines Aufsatzes am Mähroboter Igel erkennt und diesen ausweicht. Er schützt sie so vor dem qualvollen Tod. Ausgezeichnet wurde das Projekt mit einem Geldpreis in Höhe von 750 Euro.“ (iwd-online, 13. November 2023) Damit hat der Nachwuchsforscher ein Projekt wiederholt, das Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel von August 2019 bis Januar 2020 mit einem Team von drei Studenten und einer Studentin im Kontext der Maschinenethik durchführte. Der Wirtschaftsinformatiker und Technikphilosoph aus Zürich verfasste nach Abschluss zusammen mit Emanuel Graf und Kevin Bollier das Paper „The HAPPY HEDGEHOG Project“ und präsentierte es zusammen mit Emanuel Graf bei den AAAI 2021 Spring Symposia. Der Prototyp eines Mähroboters benutzt eine Wärmebildkamera und Machine Learning. Im ersten Schritt untersucht er seine Umgebung auf warme Objekte in einem bestimmten Temperaturbereich. Wenn er etwas gefunden hat, was zu einem Lebewesen passt, leitet er nähere Untersuchungen ein. Zu diesem Zweck wurde er mit Igelbildern trainiert. Stellt er fest, dass es sich um ein solches Tier handelt, unterbricht er seine Arbeit. HAPPY HEDGEHOG inspiriert seit seiner Erfindung Firmen und Forscher. Mehrere Medien haben seit 2021 über den tierfreundlichen Mähroboter berichtet, etwa der Beobachter und das Magazin der Schweizer Tierschutzes. Die Stuttgarter Zeitung berichtete am 8. November 2023 über den BWKI und erwähnte dabei auch das Original aus der Schweiz.
Abb.: Ein Igel mit einem Mähroboter (Bild: DALL-E 3)
The online event „Artificial Intelligence & Animals“ took take place on 16 September 2023. Speakers were Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel (FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland), Yip Fai Tse (University Center for Human Values, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University), and Sam Tucker (CEO VegCatalyst, AI-Powered Marketing, Melbourne). Panelists were Ian McDougall (Executive Vice President and General Counsel, LexisNexis London), Jamie McLaughlin (Animal Law Commission Vice President, UIA), and Joan Schaffner (Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University). Oliver Bendel „has been thinking on animal ethics since the 1980s and on information and machine ethics since the 1990s“. „Since 2012, he has been systematically researching machine ethics, combining it with animal ethics and animal welfare. With his changing teams, he develops animal-friendly robots and AI systems.“ (Website Eventbrite) Yip Fai Tse co-wrote the article „AI ethics: the case for including animals“ with Peter Singer. Sam Tucker is an animal rights activist.
At the end of the ACI conference, the „Paper Session 6“ was held, which was titled „Investigating Human-Animal Relations“. Sarah Webber (University of Melbourne) gave a talk on „Watching Animal-Computer Interaction: Effects on Perceptions of Animal Intellect“. In the experiment, people observed orangutans interacting with computer applications. It was examined how they changed their judgments regarding the animals‘ intelligence and behavior. The talk that followed came from Alexandra Morgan (Northumbria University) and was titled „Blind dogs need guides too: towards technological support for blind dog caregiving“. She addressed the needs of blind dogs and showed what gadgets are on the market to assist them. Her team developed an app called „My Blind Dogo“ that could help owners of blind dogs. The session ended with a talk on „A Face Recognition System for Bears: Protection for Animals and Humans in the Alps“ by Oliver Bendel (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland). He presented an integrated system with cameras, robots, and drones that Ali Yürekkirmaz and he had designed. The ACI took place from 5 to 8 December 2022 in Newcastle upon Tyne. It is the world’s leading conference on animal-computer interaction. More information on the conference via
Animal-computer interaction (ACI) „is a rapidly growing field, which focuses on the interaction between animals and computing-enabled technology and for which the International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction is the main convention venue“ (Website ACI2022). ACI2022 will take place 5-8 December 2022, hosted by Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The „Emerging Work“ track reflects early stage efforts that either: „1) will be of interest to the ACI community and likely to generate insightful, instructional, and/or spirited discussion, and/or 2) is early enough that it could benefit greatly from community feedback on direction, design, methods, etc.“ (Website ACI2022) In this track, the paper „A Face Recognition System for Bears: Protection for Animals and Humans in the Alps“ by Oliver Bendel and Ali Yürekkirmaz was accepted. It fits very well with this year’s conference theme, „Defining Tomorrow“. „The theme acknowledges the rapid growth in technology for animals with new products coming onto the market, normalising the use of technology in many human-animal relationships, and asks: where should we go next?“ (Website ACI2022)
Fig.: View of Newcastle upon Tyne (Photo: Rüdiger Schäfer )
On 25 February 2022, the article „Passive, Active, and Proactive Systems and Machines for the Protection and Preservation of Animals and Animal Species“ by Oliver Bendel was published in Frontiers in Animal Science. From the abstract: „Digitalization and automation are expanding into many areas, resulting in more widespread use of partially and fully autonomous machines and robots. At the same time, environmental and other crises and disasters are on the rise, the world population is growing, and animals are losing their habitat. Increasingly, machines and robots such as agricultural vehicles, autonomous cars, robotic lawnmowers, or social robots are encountering animals of all kinds. In the process, the latter are injured or killed. Some machines can be designed so that this does not happen. Relevant disciplines and research areas briefly introduced here are machine ethics, social robotics, animal-machine interaction, and animal-computer interaction. In addition, animal welfare is important. Passive and active machines—as they are called in this review—are already appearing and help to observe and protect animals. Proactive machines may play a role in the future. They could use the possibilities of full automation and autonomy to save animals from suffering in agriculture or in the wild. During crises and disasters and in extensive nature reserves, they could observe, care for, and protect animals. The review provides initial considerations on active, passive, and proactive machines and how they can be used in an animal preservation context while bearing in mind recent technical and global developments.“ The article is part of the research topic „Animal-Computer Interaction and Beyond: The Benefits of Animal-Centered Research and Design“ and can be accessed at
Semi-autonomous machines, autonomous machines and robots inhabit closed, semi-closed and open environments, more structured environments like the household or more unstructured environments like cultural landscapes or the wilderness. There they encounter domestic animals, farm animals, working animals, and wild animals. These creatures could be disturbed, displaced, injured, or killed by the machines. Within the context of machine ethics and social robotics, the School of Business FHNW developed several design studies and prototypes for animal-friendly machines, which can be understood as moral and social machines in the spirit of these disciplines. In 2019-20, a team led by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel developed a prototype robot lawnmower that can recognize hedgehogs, interrupt its work for them and thus protect them. Every year many of these animals die worldwide because of traditional service robots. HAPPY HEDGEHOG (HHH), as the invention is called, could be a solution to this problem. This article begins by providing an introduction to the background. Then it focuses on navigation (where the machine comes across certain objects that need to be recognized) and thermal and image recognition (with the help of machine learning) of the machine. It also presents obvious weaknesses and possible improvements. The results could be relevant for an industry that wants to market their products as animal-friendly machines. The paper „The HAPPY HEDGEHOG Project“ is available here.
The paper „The HAPPY HEDGEHOG Project“ by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, Emanuel Graf and Kevin Bollier was accepted at the AAAI Spring Symposia 2021. The researchers will present it at the sub-conference „Machine Learning for Mobile Robot Navigation in the Wild“ at the end of March. The project was conducted at the School of Business FHNW between June 2019 and January 2020. Emanuel Graf, Kevin Bollier, Michel Beugger and Vay Lien Chang developed a prototype of a mowing robot in the context of machine ethics and social robotics, which stops its work as soon as it detects a hedgehog. HHH has a thermal imaging camera. When it encounters a warm object, it uses image recognition to investigate it further. At night, a lamp mounted on top helps. After training with hundreds of photos, HHH can quite accurately identify a hedgehog. With this artifact, the team provides a solution to a problem that frequently occurs in practice. Commercial robotic mowers repeatedly kill young hedgehogs in the dark. HAPPY HEDGEHOG could help to save them. The video on in the corresponding section of this website shows it without disguise. The robot is in the tradition of LADYBIRD.
An der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW entsteht zwischen Juni 2019 und Januar 2020 das sechste Artefakt der Maschinenethik. Ideengeber und Auftraggeber ist Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel. In der Tier-Maschine-Interaktion geht es um Design, Evaluierung und Implementierung von (in der Regel höherentwickelten bzw. komplexeren) Maschinen und Computersystemen, mit denen Tiere interagieren und kommunizieren und die mit Tieren interagieren und kommunizieren. Die Maschinenethik bezieht sich bisher vor allem auf Menschen, kann aber auch bei Tieren dienlich sein. Sie versucht moralische Maschinen zu konzipieren und mit Hilfe weiterer Disziplinen wie Informatik und KI bzw. Robotik zu implementieren. Ziel des Projekts ist die detaillierte Beschreibung und prototypische Umsetzung eines tierfreundlichen Serviceroboters, genauer gesagt eines Mähroboters, genannt HAPPY HEDGEHOG (HHH). Dieser soll mit Hilfe von Sensoren und moralischen Regeln vor allem Igel (auch und insbesondere Jungtiere) erkennen und geeignete Maßnahmen einleiten (Unterbruch der Arbeit, Vertreiben des Igels, Information des Besitzers). Das Projekt hat Ähnlichkeiten mit einem anderen Projekt, das früher durchgeführt wurde, nämlich LADYBIRD. Dieses Mal soll aber mehr auf vorhandene Geräte, Plattformen und Software gesetzt werden. Als erstes Artefakt entstand an der Hochschule der GOODBOT – im Jahre 2013.
Semi-autonomous machines, autonomous machines and robots inhabit closed, semi-closed and open environments. There they encounter domestic animals, farm animals, working animals and/or wild animals. These animals could be disturbed, displaced, injured or killed. Within the context of machine ethics, the School of Business FHNW developed several design studies and prototypes for animal-friendly machines, which can be understood as moral machines in the spirit of this discipline. They were each linked with an annotated decision tree containing the ethical assumptions or justifications for interactions with animals. Annotated decision trees are seen as an important basis in developing moral machines. They are not without problems and contradictions, but they do guarantee well-founded, secure actions that are repeated at a certain level. The article „Towards animal-friendly machines“ by Oliver Bendel, published in August 2018 in Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, documents completed and current projects, compares their relative risks and benefits, and makes proposals for future developments in machine ethics.