Animal Ethics and AI Ethics

The impact of robotics and artificial intelligence on non-human animals has been researched by Oliver Bendel for several years. He has made it his task to complement the discipline of animal-computer interaction, which was founded by Clara Mancini, with the discipline of animal-machine interaction. His most recent paper is „Passive, Active, and Proactive Systems and Machines for the Protection and Preservation of Animals and Animal Species“, published February 25, 2022, in Frontiers of Animal Science. Also becoming active in this field now is the famous ethicist Peter Singer. Together with his co-author Yip Fai Tse, he published the article „AI ethics: the case for including animals“ in July 2022. From the abstract: „The ethics of artificial intelligence, or AI ethics, is a rapidly growing field, and rightly so. While the range of issues and groups of stakeholders concerned by the field of AI ethics is expanding, with speculation about whether it extends even to the machines themselves, there is a group of sentient beings who are also affected by AI, but are rarely mentioned within the field of AI ethics – the nonhuman animals. This paper seeks to explore the kinds of impact AI has on nonhuman animals, the severity of these impacts, and their moral implications. We hope that this paper will facilitate the development of a new field of philosophical and technical research regarding the impacts of AI on animals, namely, the ethics of AI as it affects nonhuman animals.“ (Peter Singer and Yip Fai Tse 2022) In the text, the authors write: „Of the hundreds of AI ethics related papers we reviewed in this project, we only found four that concern the impacts of AI on animals, in a general way, and discuss the relevant ethical implications. They are: ‚Towards animal-friendly machines‘ by Oliver Bendel, ‚AI Ethics and Value Alignment for Nonhuman Animals‘ by Soenke Ziesche, ‚Moral Consideration of Nonhumans in the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence‘ by Andrea Owe and Seth Baum and ‚Animals and AI. The role of animals in AI research and application – An overview and ethical evaluation‘ by Leonie Bossert and Thilo Hagendorf.“ (Peter Singer and Yip Fai Tse 2022) The article will certainly give the young disciplines a further boost.

Fig.: Cat and computer

AI and Ethics

Springer launches a new journal entitled „AI and Ethics“. This topic has been researched for several years from various perspectives, including information ethics, robot ethics (or roboethics) and machine ethics. From the description: „AI and Ethics seeks to promote informed debate and discussion of the ethical, regulatory, and policy implications that arise from the development of AI. It will focus on how AI techniques, tools, and technologies are developing, including consideration of where these developments may lead in the future. The journal will provide opportunities for academics, scientists, practitioners, policy makers, and the public to consider how AI might affect our lives in the future, and what implications, benefits, and risks might emerge. Attention will be given to the potential intentional and unintentional misuses of the research and technology presented in articles we publish. Examples of harmful consequences include weaponization, bias in face recognition systems, and discrimination and unfairness with respect to race and gender.

Fig.: AI and ethics

KI in der medizinischen Robotik

Die Emmy Noether Research Group „The Phenomenon of Interaction in Human-Machine Interaction“ und das Institut für Ethik, Geschichte und Theorie der Medizin (LMU München) veranstalten eine Vortragsreihe zu – so die Auskunft auf der Website – einigen der drängendsten Fragen, die sich im Zusammenhang mit der Umsetzung und Nutzung der KI in der Medizin stellen. Jeder Termin besteht aus drei kurzen Vorträgen renommierter Experten auf dem jeweiligen Gebiet, gefolgt von einer Diskussion am Round Table. Alle Vorträge werden bis auf weiteres online (Zoom) gehalten (Website der Forschungsgruppe). Am 19. November 2020 (18.00-19.30 Uhr) wird das Thema „KI in der medizinischen Robotik“ behandelt. Referieren werden Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel von der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW (mit einem Vortrag zu Pflegerobotern aus ethischer Sicht), Prof. Dr. Manfred Hild von der Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin und Dr. Janina Loh von der Universität Wien. Weitere Informationen über

Abb.: Oliver Bendel bei einem Vortrag in Berlin (Foto: Daimler und Benz Stiftung)