Simple, Soft Social Robots – PossiCube

Simple, soft shapes are everywhere. In our home environment you can find pillows, blankets, balls, bottles, clothes, etc. Robots are often expensive and complex. But couldn’t they be thought of in a completely different way? How could social robots emerge from simple, soft shapes? As part of their final thesis at the School of Business FHNW, Nhi Tran Hoang Yen and Thang Hoang Vu from Ho Chi Minh City have answered this question posed by their supervisor Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel. They have submitted eleven proposals for novel robots. All are shown on The sixth proposal is PossiCube, the cube of possibilities (go here to the previous). Possicube is an element that can be integrated into any simple soft shape. It transforms them into a simple social robot. For example, thanks to PossiCube, a teddy bear can perceive its environment and react to it with sounds or sentences. It would be ideal to be able to select different categories with different models. This would make it possible to robotize things in a simple and appropriate way. Two books by Oliver Bendel on social robots – „300 Keywords Soziale Robotik“ and „Soziale Roboter“ – will be published in October 2021.

Fig.: Possicube (image: Trần Hoàng Yến Nhi & Hoàng Vũ Thắng, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam)