Robot Enhancement for Quadrupeds

There are dozens of quadruped and bipedal robots. Quadrupeds are of particular interest to consumers because they are highly maneuverable yet safe to operate. Some are available from about $2000. One problem with most quadrupeds is that they have no head or only a hint of a head. This makes them look scary. Initial tests have shown that people are usually only put off by this for a short time and then quickly approach the robotic animals to touch and pet them. However, some users are not satisfied with the appearance and produce additional parts such as heads and tails. This leads to results like SparkyTheRobot, which has its own YouTube channel. Both the head and the tail are 3D printed and look convincing. The underlying Unitree Go2 is fundamentally changed in its appearance. What is being done here is robot enhancement. This term was coined by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel. It describes an enhancement with clothing and accessories, additional body parts, new end pieces, or artificial skin. Programming improvements or the integration of AI systems are also included. The two-legged and four-legged animals currently appearing on the market are likely to capture the imagination of many users and lead to the creation of specialized companies.

Fig.: Oliver Bendel with his Unitree Go2 (Photo: Frank Graef)