Metamorphoses in the Factory

The Workshop „The Social Significance of Human Effort – What Are the Parameters For Positive Human-Robot Interaction In the Context of Industry 5.0?“ – organized by the renowned Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy) – took place on the third day of Robophilosophy 2024. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel gave the lecture „Metamorphoses in the Factory. From Classic Industrial Robots over Cobots and Classic Service Robots to Universal Robots“. From the abstract: „Robots play an important role in industry. In recent years, there have been interesting innovations in production and logistics. Large classic industrial robots are turning into small cobots. Cobots become service robots. Classic service robots are discovering the factory. Metamorphoses are taking place. This talk hypothesizes that recent developments will have a significant impact on workers and work. In particular, the precursors of universal robots could significantly change the factory of the future, just as they will change society as a whole. After all, with universal robots, the boundaries between industrial and service robots are becoming increasingly blurred.“ (Website Robophilosophy 2024)

Fig.: Oliver Bendel in Denmark (Photo: Stefanie Hauske)