Gambling without Addiction

In October 2019, an awareness campaign has been launched in Switzerland to help addicted gamblers cope with their compulsive behavior. SUCHT SCHWEIZ published a special digital programme, entitled „Spielen ohne Sucht“ („Gambling without Addiction“): „This website is a collaborative project of 16 German-speaking cantons. It provides information about the dangers of gambling, possible consequences and various options for seeking help, not only for Gamblers themselves but also their loved ones.“ (Website Spielen ohne Sucht) „A study published earlier this month found that nearly 3% of the Swiss population is addicted or at the risk of addiction, notably among online gamblers. The most popular games were Swiss lotteries, followed by bingo or other private games, table games, vending machines and slot machines operated in Swiss casinos. A small group of respondents also said they were gambling with international online operators.“ (, 28 October 2019) Since June 2018, by the way, online gaming addiction, a form of online addiction, has been listed as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Fig.: Gambling in Tokyo