Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings

Die 9th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings findet vom 1. bis 3. Juli 2016 auf Madeira statt. Auf der Website kann man zum Hintergrund und zu den Zielen lesen: „The effects of ICT on human beings as well as the interaction between ICT, individuals, and society are all within the focus of this conference. Today, computer science and ICT-related disciplines are working more and more together with various behavioural and social sciences including child psychology and developmental psychology. For this reason, the conference pays attention to societal changes, global and more local organisational and institutional changes, changes in values and in lifestyles, as well as individual cognitive effects and changes, motivational and emotional changes. It also appeals to solution-building in terms of desirable goals and actions for reaching a Good Information Society.“ Deadline für die Einreichung von Beiträgen ist der 8. Februar 2016. Weitere Informationen über

Abb.: Madeira hat viele Reize