Commercial Drones in Switzerland

Commercial drones can be used for the transport of components and the good delivering as well as for the monitoring of consumers. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) often come in combination with cameras and other equipment and are spies in the form of high-tech products. Sometimes, they drop out of the sky and hurt people. In Zurich, private drones seem to be a big problem for safety and security, and the laws have been tightened and improved. Remote-controlled commercial drones shall have cameras, gripper arms or a transportation space. In a current project, three master students of the School of Business (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW) try to answer the following questions: What kinds of drones are available for commercial purposes? In which ways these UAV can be used? What are the technical challenges and possibilities? What are the problems from the perspective of information ethics? What are the general challenges in Switzerland? The results are expected by the end of summer 2016. Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel is the contact for all questions concerning the research project and possible follow-up activities.

Fig.: A drone in the air