Call zur Ethik des Internets der Dinge

Die International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) hat einen Call for Papers zum Thema „Ethics for the Internet of Things“ veröffentlicht. Deadline für die Einreichung der Abstracts ist der 31. August 2014. Auf der Website der Zeitschrift heißt es: „The 22nd issue of IRIE will tackle the ethical challenge of the Internet of Things and therefore furnish a contribution to the establishment of an ethics for it. This ethics is anchored in the field of information ethics, yet it radicalizes to a certain degree the fundamental issues in this field, insofar as the entire mesosphere appears as a sphere shaped by information and its technologies. And hence, the boundaries then disappear between electronic technology and what underpins it.“ Mögliche Themen seien „Privacy in the IoT“, „Access to beneficial use of IoT and social justice“, „Establishment of trust in the IoT“ und „Status of agents and agency in the IoT“. Gastherausgeber sind Hektor Haarkötter und Felix Weil. Weitere Informationen über