The Day We Fight Back

Dieser Tag ist der 11. Februar 2014, zumindest nach dem Wunsch der Organisatoren. Auf ihrer Website stellen sie mit Hilfe von Zitaten einige Fakten zusammen. Die NSA „has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world“ (The New York Times). Und: Die NSA „is harvesting hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal e-mail and instant messaging accounts around the world“ (Washington Post). Und so weiter. Was kann man tun? Auf der Website ist zu lesen: „Governments worldwide need to know that mass surveillance, like that conducted by the NSA, is always a violation of our inalienable human rights. Over the past year, more than 360 organizations in over 70 countries have come together to support the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance. These thirteen Principles establish the human rights obligations of any government conducting surveillance. They are the core of an international movement to compel all states to stop the mass spying of the innocent. The Principles are already being used in national campaigns and international pressure to reign in spies including the NSA.“ Vielleicht sollte es keinen Tag, sondern ein Jahrhundert des digitalen Widerstands und des digitalen Ungehorsams geben.

Abb.: Das Auge als Symbol